Sunday, August 28, 2011

Blogging because of YOU...?

bestie evah (left) and me (right)
My BESTIE evah, keeps begging me to BLOG... uuugghhh yaaaaay! :p So, here I am blogging?? It's 3:24am....  I am not sleeping because YES I have been up reading her and many other SAHM's blogs.  I have to say I kinda like them... rephrase LOVE THEM!  I am a bit over dramatic, they say anyways- 

A few reasons I am blogging I would say:

1. I really just hope to filter out some much needed time for ME!! Is that bad?? YIKES- Oh where have I gone?!?!

2. To keep in touch with of-course YOU- and to obviously meet new mommies/friends who can give me much needed advice always.

November 2009 - only a couple days old
3. Leaving the BEST for last, don't get confused when I say "best" no not my "bestie" but my BELLA.  My sweet Isabella *siggghhhh* oooh how I love her darling face, hands, and feet. She is the reason I live. I did not know what love was until I had her. LORD stop me now lol because I'm getting a little mushy gushy to soon, right??!! Well, I will post another one all about her next.... bye for now

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