Sunday, August 28, 2011

can't believe how time flys

where did time go...?  It only seems like last week Bella was a few months old and now she is OMG almost 2!!  My sweet bella is 22 months old, bittersweet.  
Isabella Grace born Nov. 12th 2009, love at first sight!
so funny she calls him mama and me, mommie!  daddy says, "no i'm dada, not mama!"  does she care no way.  all she thinks about is what she can do next to have some baby fun.  her baby fun looks like to much fun if you ask me, but bella is the light of our lives that's for sure.
1st smile (while sleeping) a few days old...does it count! i think so

1st Easter
1st trip to the zoo

1st time visiting with great grandfather, papa

1st popsickle
1st christmas

1st time at the beach
that's my bella and my sexy hubber's!! 

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